39. Brouns EJ, Ekins TG, Ahmed OJ (2024). Psychedelic enhancement of flexible learning weeks after a single dose. [bioRxiv PREPRINT]
38. Brooks I, Jedrasiak-Cape I, Rybicki-Kler C, Ekins TG, Ahmed OJ (2024). Unique Transcriptomic Cell Types of the Granular Retrosplenial Cortex are Preserved Across Mice and Rats Despite Dramatic Changes in Key Marker Genes. [bioRxiv PREPRINT]
37. Jedrasiak-Cape I, Rybicki-Kler C, Brooks I, Ghosh M, Brennan EWK, Kailasa S, Ekins TG, Rupp A, Ahmed OJ (2024). Cell-type-specific cholinergic control of granular retrosplenial cortex with implications for angular velocity coding across brain states. [bioRxiv PREPRINT]
36. Ekins TG, Brooks I, Kailasa S, Rybicki-Kler C, Jedrasiak-Cape I, Donoho E, Mashour GA, Rech J, Ahmed OJ (2023). Cellular rules underlying psychedelic control of prefrontal pyramidal neurons. [bioRxiv PREPRINT]
35. Ghosh M, Yang FC, Rice SP, Hetrick V, Lorenzo A, Siu D, Brennan EW, John TT, Ahrens AM, Ahmed OJ (2022). Running speed and REM sleep control two distinct modes of rapid interhemispheric communication. Cell Reports 30:111028 [PDF] [LINK] [PRESS]
34. John TT, Ahmed OJ (2022). Finding a fragile piece to end the seizure war. Epilepsy Currents 22(3): 178-180 [LINK]
33. Ahmed OJ (2021). Mechanisms of subiculum hyperexcitability in temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy Currents 21(6):441-443 [LINK]
32. Brennan EW*, Jedrasiak-Cape I*, Kailasa S*, Rice SP, Sudhakar SK, Ahmed OJ (2021). Thalamus and claustrum control parallel layer 1 circuits in retrosplenial cortex. eLife 10:e62207 [PDF] [LINK] [eLife DIGEST] [PRESS]
31. Zardini AS, Rostami B, Najafi K, Hetrick VL, Ahmed OJ (2021). Sea of Electrodes Array (SEA): Extremely Dense and High-Count Silicon-Based Electrode Array Technology for High-Resolution High-Bandwidth Interfacing with 3D Neural Structures. [bioRxiv PREPRINT]
30. Ahmed OJ, John TT, Sudhakar SK, Brennan EKW, Lorenzo Gonzalez A, Naftulin JS, Eskandar E, Madsen JR, Cosgrove GR, Blum AS, Potter NS, Mashour GA, Hochberg LR, Cash SS (2021). Two modes of inhibitory neuronal shutdown distinctly amplify seizures in humans. [medRxiv PREPRINT]
29. Ahmed OJ (2020). Slower, fewer hippocampal ripples in loss-of-function model of Dravet Syndrome. Epilepsy Currents 20(6):387-389 [LINK]
28. Ghosh M*, Shanahan BE*, Furtak SC, Mashour GA, Burwell RD, Ahmed OJ (2020). Instantaneous amplitude and shape of postrhinal theta oscillations differentially encode running speed. Behavioral Neuroscience 134:6 516–528 [PDF]
27. Patel S, Ballesteros JJ, Ahmed OJ, Huang P, Briscoe J, Eskandar EN, Ishizawa Y (2020). Dynamics of recovery from anesthesia-induced unconsciousness across primate neocortex. Brain 143(3):833-843 [LINK]
26. Brennan EW*, Sudhakar SK*, Jedrasiak-Cape I, John T, Ahmed OJ (2020). Hyperexcitable neurons enable precise and persistent encoding in the superficial retrosplenial cortex. Cell Reports 30:1598-1612 [PDF] [LINK]
25. Sheeran WM, Ahmed OJ (2020). The neural circuitry supporting successful spatial navigation despite variable movement speeds. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 108:821-833 [PDF] [LINK]
24. Ahrens AM, Ahmed OJ (2020). Neural circuits linking sleep and addiction: animal models to understand why select individuals are more vulnerable to substance use disorders after sleep deprivation. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 108:435-444 [PDF] [LINK]
23. Sudhakar SK, Ahmed OJ (2019). More is more: potential benefits of characterizing high frequency activity over long durations. Epilepsy Currents 19(6):397-399 [LINK]
22. Brennan EW, Ahmed OJ (2019). Ripple while you walk and you may get lost: pathological high frequency activity can alter spatial navigation circuits. Epilepsy Currents 19(5):344-346 [LINK]
21. Ahmed OJ, Sudhakar SK (2019). High frequency activity during stereotyped low frequency events might help to identify the seizure onset zone. Epilepsy Currents 19(3):184-186 [LINK]
20. Ahmed OJ, John TT (2019). A straw can break a neural network's back and lead to seizures – but only when delivered at the right time. Epilepsy Currents 19(2):115-116 [LINK]
19. Sudhakar SK, Choi TJ, Ahmed OJ (2019). Biophysical modeling suggests optimal drug combinations for improving the efficacy of GABA agonists after traumatic brain injuries. Journal of Neurotrauma 36(10):1632–1645 [PDF] [LINK]
2018 and earlier:
18. Hill M, Rios E, Sudhakar SK, Roosien D, Caldwell C, Cai D, Ahmed OJ, Lempka S, Chestek CA (2018). Quantitative simulation of extracellular single unit recording from the surface of cortex. Journal of Neural Engineering 15(5):056007 [LINK]
17. Naftulin J, Ahmed OJ, Piantoni G, Eichenlaub J, Martinet LE, Kramer MA, Cash SS (2018). Ictal and preictal power changes outside of the seizure focus correlate with seizure generalization. Epilepsia 59(7):1398-1409 [LINK]
16. Scaplen K, Ramesh R, Nadvar N, Ahmed OJ, Burwell RD (2017). Inactivation of the lateral entorhinal area increases the influence of visual cues on hippocampal place cell activity. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 11:40 [LINK]
15. Ishizawa Y, Ahmed OJ, Patel S, Gale J, Sierra-Mercado D, Brown E, Eskandar E (2016). Dynamics of propofol-induced loss of consciousness across primate neocortex. Journal of Neuroscience 36(29):7718 [LINK].
14. Martinet LE, Ahmed OJ, Lepage K, Cash SS, Kramer MA (2015). Slow spatial recruitment of neocortex during secondarily generalized seizures and its relation to surgical outcome. Journal of Neuroscience 35(25):9477 [LINK]
13. Gonzalez LR, Ahmed OJ, Cash SS, Wayne CE, Kramer MA (2015). A biologically constrained, mathematical model of cortical wave propagation preceding seizure termination. PLOS Computational Biology 11(2):e1004065 [LINK]
12. Gokbayrak NS, Piryatinsky I, Gavett A, Ahmed OJ (2014). Mixed effects of deep brain stimulation on depressive symptomatology in Parkinson’s disease: a review of randomized clinical trials. Frontiers in Neurology 5:154 [LINK]
11. Truccolo W, Ahmed OJ, Harrison MT, Eskandar EN, Cosgrove GR, Madsen JR, Blum A, Potter NS, Hochberg LR, Cash SS (2014). Neuronal ensemble synchrony during human focal seizures. Journal of Neuroscience 34(30):9927 [LINK]
10. Ahmed OJ*, Vijayan S* (2014). The roles of sleep-wake states and brain rhythms in epileptic seizure onset. Journal of Neuroscience 34(22):7395 *Co-first authors [LINK]
9. Snider J*, Ahmed OJ*, Halgren E, Poizner H, Cash SS (2013). Human intracranial recordings during spatial exploration of a 3D virtual environment. IEEE Neural Engineering 6:464-467 *Co-first authors [LINK]
8. Ahmed OJ, Cash SS (2013). Finding synchrony in the desynchronized EEG: the history and interpretation of gamma rhythms. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 7:58 [LINK]
7. Sukhotinsky I, Chan AM, Ahmed OJ, Rao V, Gradinaru V, Ramakrishnan C, Deisseroth K, Majewska AK, Cash SS (2013). Optogenetic delay of status epilepticus onset in an in vivo rodent epilepsy model. PLoS One, 8(4): e62013 [LINK]
6. Furtak SC, Ahmed OJ, Burwell RD (2012). Single neuron activity and theta modulation in postrhinal cortex during visual object discrimination. Neuron, 76(5):976-88 [LINK]
5. Cruikshank SJ*, Ahmed OJ*, Stevens TR, Patrick S, Gonzalez A, Elmaleh M, Connors BW (2012). Thalamic control of layer 1 circuits in prefrontal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(49):17813-23 *Co-first authors [LINK]
4. Ahmed OJ, Mehta MR (2012). Running speed alters the frequency of hippocampal gamma oscillations. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(21):7373-7383 [LINK]
3. Connors BW, Ahmed OJ (2011). Integration and autonomy in axons. Nature Neuroscience, 14(2):128-30 [LINK]
2. Ahmed OJ, Mehta MR (2009). The hippocampal rate code: anatomy, physiology and theory. Trends in Neuroscience, [Cover Article] 32(6): 329-338 [LINK]
1. Ahmed OJ, McFarland J, Kumar A (2008). Reactivation in ventral striatum during hippocampal ripples: evidence for the binding of reward and spatial memories? Journal of Neuroscience, 28(40): 9895-9897 [LINK]